
Fixed! Bosch Dishwasher E15 Error Code

Are you getting the Error E15 in your Bosch Dishwasher? It means that there is an excess amount of water somewhere where it shouldn’t be in your dishwasher.

You need to fix it as fast as you can by any means necessary in order to prevent any further issues that might cause your dishwasher to stop working forever.

Quick Info

You can fix this error by taking out the excess water. For that, you can use the tilt method so that any water inside could just flow right out. Otherwise, you can reset the safety switch. You should also hard reset the dishwasher to make sure that it wasn’t just a technical issue.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the meaning and reasons of the E15 error and what you can do to fix it in a step-by-step procedure. Let’s get started.

(Quick Table) Reasons and Solutions

Wrong soap or excessive detergentHard reset the dishwasher or use the tilt method to drain out excess water
Clogged or damaged spray armsCheck and clean spray arms, remove any obstructions
Leaks in different parts of the dishwasherInspect for leaks, replace damaged components, ensure all parts are secure
Safety switch triggered by excess waterRemove the safety switch, dry and inspect for causes of excess water, and reassemble the dishwasher
General maintenance issuesFollow manufacturer’s instructions for regular cleaning and maintenance, ensure proper usage of dishwasher detergent

What does the Bosch Dishwasher E15 Error Code Mean?

What does the Bosch Dishwasher E15 Error Code Mean?

When your Bosch dishwasher gets an E15 error, it warns you by telling you there may be a problem.

In this case, there may be water where it should not be, normally at the bottom of the dishwasher. This water can trigger the error and stop the dishwasher from running properly.

You need to repair it as soon as you can in order to prevent further damage to the dishwasher.

If you leave the water sitting there, it could harm the dishwasher or even spill on your kitchen floor. You need to fix it quickly to prevent any further issues.

What are the Reasons for E15 Error in Bosch Dishwasher?

What are the Reasons for E15 Error in Bosch Dishwasher?

Here are some of the reasons why you might have gotten this error:

  • Using the wrong soap or too much detergent can mess up your dishwasher. It’s like feeding it something it doesn’t like. This might cause the E15 error.
  • If the spray arms in your dishwasher are clogged or damaged, they might send water where it’s not supposed to go, causing the E15 error.
  • Sometimes, there can be leaks in different parts of the dishwasher, like the sump basin (where the filter is) or in the hoses and the water tank. These leaks can create extra water, triggering the E15 error. 

You need to identify and fix those to prevent the error from happening again.

Step-by-Step: How to Fix Bosch Dishwasher E15 Error Code?

Here’s a detailed and simple process on how to fix the E15 error:

How to Fix Bosch Dishwasher E15 Error Code

1. Hard Reset the Dishwasher

Sometimes, just like restarting your phone when it starts having problems, a dishwasher could need a reset too. Turn off the power to the dishwasher for about five minutes. It might fix the error.

2. Use the Tilt Method (Caution recommended)

This step is a bit complex and is not usually a permanent fix. You can tip the dishwasher backward to help water drain out, fixing the error.


It is a temporary solution and could damage the dishwasher or not restore the real issue causing the error.

3. Detailed Procedure to Remove Water and Reset the Safety Switch

Here’s a more detailed way to fix it:

  • Turn off the power and water going to the dishwasher. Safety first!
  • Take apart the dishwasher carefully to reach the safety switch. The safety switch is like a guardian against too much water.
  • Next, you need to reset the safety switch. Here’s how:
  • Remove the safety switch and a special disk from the dishwasher’s base.
  • Dry the whole thing up and check for anything that might be causing the error.
  • Put everything back where it was and make sure everything’s secure.
  • Now, look around for leaks or broken bits that might be causing too much water.
  • Turn off the power and water going to the dishwasher. Safety first!
  • Take apart the dishwasher carefully to reach the safety switch. The safety switch is like a guardian against too much water.
  • After that, put everything back together like a jigsaw puzzle. Make sure all the parts are in the right places.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Bosch E15 error code indicates an overflow or leak issue in your dishwasher. It means that there is excessive water in the base of the machine, triggering the safety float switch.

To troubleshoot the Bosch E15 error, you can try resetting the dishwasher, checking for clogs in the drain hose or filter, inspecting for any leaks, and ensuring proper installation and functioning of the water inlet valve.

If your Bosch dishwasher repeatedly displays the E15 error code, it may indicate a persistent issue with water overflow or leakage.

It is recommended to seek professional assistance from a technician or contact Bosch customer support for further diagnosis and resolution.


If you are facing a Bosch dishwasher E15 error code, it may seem daunting, but with the right steps, it’s fixable.

You just need to make sure that you fix this issue fast. Diagnose the error to save your dishwasher from harm to itself and to your kitchen. 

You can fix it by attempting a hard reset or by using the lean method. Otherwise, you can clear the water and reset the safety switch.

By following those steps, you’ll not only fix the error but also protect your dishwasher’s efficiency and lifespan.

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